Training System
The efficiency of even the best strength training device in the world is determined by the training method used. As one of the founders of isolated strength training, MedX by Delphex recommends the following training guidelines:
Training Frequency
Training 1-2 times per week and performing exercises to momentary muscular failure. This type of training results in quick training sessions anywhere from 5-45 minutes.
Why? Studies show the effectiveness of single set training with slow movement speed is most beneficial for high intensity training. A rest period of 48-72 hours is required for the muscles to properly recover.
The question of whether a training method is better or worse, is often just a matter of faith from the users. But there is an indisputable and crucial aspect that profits single set training; the significantly smaller time commitment required compared to multiple set training.
Speed of Movement
Very controlled and slow movements are performed. Each complete repetition lasts about 7-20 seconds.
Why? The slow speed supports the isolated movement and allows the target muscles to properly achieve the intense feeling of momentary muscular failure.
The trainee is actually able to feel the muscle being used. Acceleration forces are minimized and thus prevent the risk of injuries.
Training Time per Machine (Time under load)
The tension-time for the muscles should be between 45 and 150 seconds. The exercise is ended at complete exhaustion of the muscles. The client should exercise to the point where they can no longer perform the movement in proper form. Certain medical or anatomical features may restrict some client’s technique.
Terminating the exercise should not be done voluntarily by the trainee, but rather due to the inability to no longer perform the movement correctly.
Why? The optimal supra-threshold stimulus for a muscle that causes growth cannot be exactly defined. However, studies show that a maximum muscle stimulus that is 45 – 150 seconds long, causes a growth stimulus. Other aspects remain to be clarified in the future.
Termination Criteria for the Training
By complete exhausting the target muscle group, the maximum tension level is achieved by the muscles. Therefore, an isolated movement of the muscles is no longer possible.
Why? The momentary muscular failure causes a growth stimulus in all muscle fiber types. Medical and anatomical anomalies should be determined on a case by case basis.
Range of Motion
If there are no anatomical or medical concerns, the movement should incorporate the entire ROM.
Why? When the full movement is performed, weak muscles can be strengthened throughout the entire ROM improving muscular imbalances. Muscular problems associated with mobility restriction of the joints can be eliminated with full ROM training.
Increasing Resistance
The optimum resistance for muscles is a combination of stress duration and tension level. The goal time should be between 45 and 150 seconds. If the trainee can achieve this goal time with the current resistance, a higher weight is chosen for the next training session. The strength training machine used must have a fine gradation of weights in order to be productive.
Why? If fine adjustment is not available, a progressive increase of the resistance is limited. A new training stimulus would be difficult or impossible to achieve.