Lumbar Extension (LE)
Therapy Device MedX Lumbar Extension (LE)
The MedX Lumbar Extension enables isolated testing and therapeutic
training of the lumbar extensor muscles through the full range of motion
(72°). The patented fixation and pelvic stabilization system eliminates all
synergistically working accessory muscles from the muscle function chain.
A base plate is adjusted so that the knees are slightly higher than the hips.
Together with a thigh pad, a wide thigh strap provides for the fixation
of the pelvis, while it is pressed through the base plate into the pelvic roller.
For therapy, the patient is fixed into the machine so that the roller does not
rotate during the exercise.
A counterweight equalizes the upper body mass of the patient to zero. Since
the body is subject to gravity, which would influence the results, the upper
body mass must be eliminated during the entire movement.
An isometric force measurement of the lumbar extensors will determine an
individual treatment plan for each patient. As opposed to a dynamic power
force measurement, the isometric test is risk free and measures positions
within the potential ROM of each patient.
The first measurement is taken in the maximum flexion position and the last in the
maximum extension position. A computer calculates the specific force curve of the
patient from the test results. This is compared to data with age, sex and weight-specific
criteria. Patients with pain demonstrate restricted mobility and a low level of force in
the area of the lumbar extensor muscles.
Using this force measurement the training resistance for the patient is determined.
This resistance is applied to the spinal muscles during execution of the movement
via a torque plate (MedX Cam) corresponding to the force curve. When possible, the
resistance weight is increased progressively at each therapy session.
The fine scale adjustment of the weight stack allows for progression in 2-pound increments. This produces an
optimal weight range for any patient that is adjustable from 10 to 400 pounds. The weight management system
provides low friction by avoiding the use of weight guide rods.